Post by Violet Viper x on Jan 11, 2017 23:14:19 GMT
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Date registered: Jan 5, 2017 22:08:36 GMT
Post by BishopTakesPawn on Jan 12, 2017 6:25:23 GMT
Don't mind if I do! What country will we all be choosing?
I gotta go with my noisy southern neighbour, the USA.
Post by Violet Viper x on Jan 12, 2017 10:27:17 GMT
If I go for it at all, I'll be choosing German.
Ghost RiderXB9R
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Date registered: Nov 1, 2016 12:31:13 GMT
Post by Ghost RiderXB9R on Jan 12, 2017 14:37:00 GMT
German tanks for me. Hetzer with the derp, VK36.01, Hammer and E75 that I just got the top gun for. I would like to know if a T-34-88 with a German crew could be played?
Posts: 1,196
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Is R35T a Skreb?: No
Date registered: Mar 1, 2016 14:07:16 GMT
Post by ZER01025 on Jan 12, 2017 15:51:17 GMT
Wow those 54,000 and 56,000 gold bundles are stupid crazy!! Thats about 435-450 dollars!!!! That doesn't even include camo!! As far as the tank bowl goes I doubt I'll play, if I do I'll grab the ol' US sexton becuase that's the only tank I can consistantly do good in:( Still pretty mind blown about the new gold prices. And to be honest I don't like playing those super rare tanks becuase I feel like a bigger target for the reds. "Kill the asshole with the super rare tank I can't get my hands on!"